Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's Been Too Long

I know it's been too long since I've written anything.  I've had a lot on my plate the last few months.  First of all, I should say that Spike and I are expecting our first baby in late August.  That's enough for a "get out of jail free card" on the blog, right?  Second, winter here has lasted MUCH longer than any of us expected and we haven't done that much.  I guess last year when we arrived in March it was chilly, but I don't remember it being this chilly!  We had so much snow this winter that there's still some in the backyard just waiting to melt.  That's insane.  And we had a day when the high was 68 and it's still not all gone!  That's when you know it's been cold.

I always kind of figured that we would have a baby while we were living in Maine.  The joke was that the first words out of the baby's mouth would be something like, "Waa, ma.  Waa."  No exclamation point, no real feeling to the cry...just "Waa."  The pregnancy has been going well.  I never had morning sickness, I've been gaining weight steadily, exercising, and eating voraciously.  Just don't tell me that I'm eating for two...if I had another person growing inside me with the appetite that I've had, I'd be scared.  I just eat about the same amount at meals and have sensible snacks throughout the day to supplement the hunger that comes around every few hours.

The next big step is finding out if the baby is a girl or boy.  I have a hunch about what it will be, but I'd like to take a poll.  What do you think?  Take the survey at the top right of this page.  I don't get feedback on who specifically votes which way, but I think it would be a fun way to see if you're right in the end.  And I promise I'll have some more things to talk about Maine once it starts to warm up a little more!