Saturday, December 11, 2010

Run for Your Life...or Warmth

That's me in the gray vest!
Thanksgiving Day I ran my first race.  Some friends from work convinced me to run with them, and being easily persuaded I agreed.  I've been running more since late summer and was ready to put all the days of training at Back Cove to the test.  This was the Portland Thanksgiving Day 4 Miler.  Granted, I'd never run non-stop for 4 miles before and I knew I wouldn't be able to do it this day, but I still thought it would be fun.

My friends and I met up at one of their apartments to stretch and warm up.  We had bananas (lots of potassium for muscles) and cranberry bread for sustenance to carry us through the race.  I had one banana and half a slice of the bread.  There is a reason I'm telling you this...keep reading.  We walked down to the start line with 2,000 of our closest friends.  And some of these people were a little too hardcore for me.  I saw quite a few running in their shorts and t-shirts, which is fine for a spring day run, but it was 31 degrees outside!  Really though, once the race began my attire was perfect.  The most important thing to me was to keep my core and ears warm.  The legs and arms were going to be moving enough that I didn't need extra layers.

About 3 times I had to stop running to regain energy that was zapped on those hills, and there were plenty of them.  Luckily, the planner of the race had the decency to make the final stretch downhill.  My friend Elizabeth and I began to pick up the pace to finish strong.  We were nearly sprinting when we crossed the finish line and I almost got sick.  I just kept thinking, "Please, please don't let me throw up in front of all these people!!"  Luckily I was able to keep my composure, but I guess the lesson was to only eat half a banana in the future!

I love that cities all across the country have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.  It makes eating all that food easier to justify.  And our Thanksgiving had lobster.  Yeah, I'll go ahead and rub it in.  It was sooooooo good.  How else are you supposed to celebrate the holiday in Maine?


  1. How about you eat your lobster for Thanksgiving after the Turkey Trot, and we'll dress up like weirdos in Austin during ours. I wasn't too surprised to hear you had lobster; a bit envious, of course, but not surprised. During our crowded run down here in the state capital (about 17,000!), there were the expected costumes... pilgrims, indians, turkeys. Some pet dogs were decked out, too. But what I didn't expect was to see Batgirl and Wonder Woman running with us in full costume including capes (for dramatic flare?). Peanuts characters, sure; I can associate them with turkey. For some reason, though, DC Comics doesn't really come to mind. Either way, a little variety always makes the holidays memorable, wouldn't you say?

  2. Hey, congrats on the run to the finish line! good on you and as for the are right...i am REALLY jealous. I do think next year you and Spike should dress up (perhaps you as a Pilgrim, he a turkey) and then chase him the whole way. Maybe even have a fake meat cleaver...
