Monday, August 16, 2010

The Subaru Obsession

When I was a teenager, I somehow got it in my head that I, NEEDED to get this Volkswagen Jetta. It was a cute, small, sporty car that I thought fit my lifestyle. Everywhere we went I'd point out the Jettas. They were everywhere! Or so I thought. Before that, it was this Kia Sportage, but let's not go there.

These days, I've seen a lot of Subarus on the road here in Maine. I never gave the Subaru a second thought until I seemed to notice them around town. I always thought the earlier models of the Forester were really awful, but it's seemed to pull its act together and redesigned the body. But back to my point...there's a lot of those cars around this area. I wouldn't have the slightest clue as to why, but it might give you an indication that they're good here in the winter. This year they discontinued their LL Bean (a Maine-based company as discussed in an earlier post) edition cars. Kind of like how Ford had the Eddie Bauer edition Explorers. Have I lost you completely? Warning: serious off topic subject coming up. I've always been the type of person to notice the slightest things that change or are wrong in areas around me. I could go on about how it bothers me when gas stations put their 8s in upside down (there IS a right-side-up) or when the fast food places use a W to replace the lost M (or the other way around). But I SERIOUSLY digress.

Since I started thinking about Subarus, I started doing research to find out more about them. Turns out they're really safe cars. Five stars on the government safety crash tests on all their models. I guess Mainers care about being safe on the slick roads during the cold months (I haven't gotten to the reliability research though). It never fails either that there's a kayak, canoe, or some of rack storage type thingy on the roof, i.e. they seem to live pretty active lifestyles. They don't care about the body style of their vehicles. It's a box on wheels that gets them from Point A to Point B.

I guess I'll just keep noticing the Subarus until something else catches my eye. But I swear there's tons of them around town!


  1. The Subaru Outbacks have always reminded me of lizards and Tevas. Not at the same time, but one or the other. They're low to the ground, and they look like a lizard head (hood being the nose/mouth). Other times they look like a Teva sandle because they're flat-ish, and the toes would go where the hood is (duh). For some reason, they look strappy. Don't ask me why exactly. They look nature-friendly, too. Maybe that's the Mainer appeal.

  2. We just got a new subaru impreza a few months ago. Last week we took it on a road trip (first time the car had been out of town) all the way through Colorado. I was really enjoying it on those mountain roads; it handled really well.

  3. I would've killed for a VW Golf in the mid-90s! There are tons of Subarus in Vermont as well.
