Thursday, April 7, 2011

Drumroll, Please!!

Monday, Spike and I went get an ultrasound of the baby.  After going into the wrong building and getting a long explanation of how to cross the street by a security guard, we made it to the right office.  We walked back into the room where the tech had me sit down in a chair that I would compare to a dentist's chair, but more comfortable.  She proceeded to recline the chair, but with sterile paper and my body on top of faux leather it was making A LOT of noise.  And the recline wasn't really very fast either.  It just sounded like one big...well you know.  Not that we were nervous about anything, but it seemed to lighten the mood when I wondered aloud if the chair could make a little more noise.

And then it all started.  It was the most surreal thing I think I've ever experienced.  I say that because this pregnancy has been so normal (no sickness, no crazy hormonal stuff) that it's almost like I can't believe I'm growing a human being inside me.  But I am!  As soon as she found the baby, the spine was as clear as day.  A bright white spotted line along the back.  A beautiful sight!  And the head. And the little legs.  And the tiny arms.  There's no way for me to describe it except as awe inspiring.  The tech began taking measurements of the head, heart, and kidneys.  However, the baby was in the position that it made it hard to get the last shot of the heart she needed.  She tried jiggling the device on my stomach, having me turn on my left side and then my right.  This baby was being so stubborn...ornery as we described it.

After walking up and down the hall a few times, rubbing my stomach, hopping little hops, and giving this baby a "heart to heart," the picture the tech needed was finally achieved.  By this time the big question had been answered.  Was this baby a boy or girl?  As soon as the legs came into view, the truth was wass a boy!  I had a feeling beginning about a month or two ago that this was going to be a boy.  I don't know why, but nearly everyone on my side of the family (or at least the women anyway) predicted this little one was a boy as well.  We are completely overjoyed and excited.  Now for the next step, a name...we have nothing yet.

I'll be posting a few of the pictures of the ultrasound as soon as I can get them scanned.  Of the black and white (not 3D) ultrasound pictures I've seen in the past, these are actually recognizable.  You can make out his nose and lips on one and an arm near his face in another.  So there it is...Spike has a drummer for his next band!

1 comment:

  1. You and Spike? Having a stubborn baby? Well duh.

    I don't know exactly why I decided it was a boy, but I could just see you & Spike raising a blond, curly-headed little boy. Your kid is going to be SO much fun! The quirkiness and wit of the two of you in one little boy is going to make being an aunt way too awesome!
