Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Not All Bad

Looking back on the few entries that I've written, you might get the impression that I like to complain about Maine or Portland or the fact that it's just not as cool as Texas. I want to clear all those things up in this post. I LOVE Maine. It's beautiful (as everyone said it would be), the people are nice, the food is good, and the weather is nothing but great. You might want to ask me about that last one once October hits!

Despite not getting a sunset on the ocean like in California, the sunsets here are still really pretty. Portland is a peninsula and the bay that it surrounds is Casco Bay. There are some pretty good spots, like the one on the Coast Guard base, where one could watch a sunset by the bay and it would still suffice. A good spot is also our living room window where you don't actually get to see the sun set, but the colors are still there. I found the above picture on the Portland Daily Photo blog and yes, some of the sunsets really look like this.

Spike and I have found some prime spots to get really great food (that's a future blog entry in itself). Clam chowder at Gilbert's Chowder House would make you feel like a traitor for ever going back to the canned stuff. El Rayo is the best Mexican we've found around town with some pretty killer tacos and burritos. We're constantly reminded of how fortunate we are to have been stationed in some of the best towns for foodies - San Francisco and Portland have the #1 and #2 most restaurants per capita in the US, respectively.

The evenings are cool, if not cold, but walking around downtown is relaxing and never overly crowded. We keep our back porch door open almost 24/7 (as noted in the Sun-up Up UP entry) because it really does feel THAT good outside. Currently, it's 53 degrees at 8:45 pm.

So you see it, it's not ALL bad. I just like to point out the things I don't understand or find stupid - like how they call Dunkin Donuts "Dunky's" and say "kitty-corner" instead of catty-corner. These are all things that I can overlook, but the fact remains that Maine is a cool place to live.


  1. A broader, more general perspective is good for those of us back home. I'm glad you get the opportunity to enjoy open doors and windows more often now. You know how ceremonious the opening of windows, especially doors, can be down here... so bask in it!

  2. Thanks for linking to my Portland Daily Photo blog! For the record, I have lived in Maine all my 23 years and have never heard anyone call Dunkin Donuts "Dunkys," which sounds dumb. Glad you're enjoying Maine.

  3. Thanks Corey! The people at my work call it Dunkys, but I'm glad not everyone calls it that. Thanks for sharing your work. Your photos are really beautiful!
