Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sun-up Up UP

Growing up basically in the middle of the Central Standard Time Zone never really made me think that much about other places and what their days were like because of a silly time zone. Living in California didn't really make me give that much pause either. But living on the East Coast has given me a whole new perspective on time zones and latitude and longitude like never before.

At present time, it's 8:15 pm. It's 7:15 in Texas except for El Paso, which is part of the Mountain Time Zone - it's 6:15. California is still enjoying the sunshine at this hour at 5:15. It's baffling to me that we have friends and family in all the times zones in America and if I want to talk to any of them I first have to think about what time it is. Will I be interrupting their dinner, have they gotten off work yet - or better yet, are they even awake?

I say living out here has given me perspective on latitude and longitude because Maine gets America's first sunrise...at 5:30 in the freaking morning. And do you know what comes along with the sunrise? Birds singing their tiny little hearts out...at 5:00 am. I've grown accustomed to this nonsense and bury my head under the pillow. To make matters worse, we sleep with the back porch door open to get a breeze in throughout the night. Birds are a lot louder when doors and windows are open. But we're not about to sweat through the night (with no a/c) just so we can sleep in longer. If anything, the earlier sunrise has given Spike and me just the kick out of bed we need on the weekends to get our day started. We're usually up and at 'em by 8 or 8:30 or so. I guess it's not all that bad.

This picture here is of our garage back behind the house. I feel it speaks New England to me.

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