Friday, May 7, 2010

What's in a Name?

Answering phones isn't a hard task. What makes is difficult is trying to decipher what the other person on the line is saying. I'm talking about names, people. Seemingly simple names.

I've been working for a manufacturing company for 3 weeks now and every day when I answer the phones and people want to talk to someone in the company, I most likely have to ask them how to spell their contact's name. Not because it's a difficult name, but because I can't understand the accents of these Mainers.

The first few days, someone would call for Mark, but I didn't know it was Mark. I kept hearing Mike. Carl was Cal. Do you see a pattern here? There aren't any r's...they're all ahh's! Lovely. Then you throw in the people calling from Switzerland and Italy and India. The bastardization of some of the names is just too funny.

I keep joking to friends and family that when Spike and I finally have kids, I'll be hearing "Waa, ma. Waa." just like the New England accents. Lord help me if that happens.

1 comment:

  1. Yeh kids ah gonna say stuff like, "I fell down an gat het playin caps an rabbas. Can I have a piece of had candy? Maybe watch some catoons? Let's play cads instead. Ah you a cad shak? Daddy said yeh wickid smat."
