Sunday, May 2, 2010

Maine is just as self-centered as Texas

Being in Maine for the past month and a half has already given me the sense that Mainers love using the state's name as much as Texas. The only difference is that Maine has the unique advantage of it's name being an actual word. That's one of the reasons I named this blog Mainely Texan. This is something that a Mainer would totally do, and I've already seen it put into practice around Portland.

Let's just go over a few examples of where there is no shame in using main/Maine interchangeably:
Mainely Pro Painting
Mainely Tours
Maine Squeeze Juice Cafe (see picture above)
Mainely Frames and Gallery
and my personal favorite Mainely Parents Anonymous (WHAT?!)

Don't get me wrong, I love this kind of corniness. Spike is the master of puns so he's been enjoying groaning whenever he sees these business names. It's become almost predictable and UNcreative when you pass an establishment that uses Maine instead of main. So yes, that would make me predictable and UNcreative! Hopefully this blog won't be that by a long shot, and I'll be updating as often as I see something that really strikes me as unfamiliar or strange. Believe me, I've already found plenty for the next few entries!


  1. Love it! I'm with Mo, pictures of my home land please! If Spike really wants to eyeroll, might i suggest Tim Sample? yes i might! It'll be cornier than that Orville Redenbacher you're popping while watching!
